Our Favorite Christmas Books!

Hi Fellow ZoZu Lovers! Jordan here of @jordan.and.co and I'm so excited to be sharing one of my very favorite things with you today...Christmas books! Maybe it's the former teacher in me, but I've always had a thing for children's books...especially around the holidays! I've recently converted a little corner of our house into a "book nook" where I rotate and display new holiday books for my three kiddos every month. I've found that rotating a handful of books (aka, storing "out of season holiday books" in the attic and bringing them down once a year) makes them so much more desirable and appreciated in the eyes of my children. Nothing makes me happier than seeing their little excited faces when I've switched out our book nook and hearing them say, "Ohhh I remember this one! This was my favorite! Oh! Is this one new? Can we read it right now!?" It's pretty much the best! So whether you borrow from your library, buy used, or snag one new book every few months, I think providing rich literature for our little ones to enjoy is so important. I hope this little list I've put together helps you get your own Christmas Book Nook started! Feel free to follow along with our adventures if you'd like:

@jordan.and.co & www.jordanandcoblog.com


Well, here they are: a round up of some of my very favorite Christmas Books, categorized, summarized, and linked. My early Christmas gift to you...


  1. The Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol from BabyLit Books : I adore the BabyLit series and these are a perfect introduction to both the holidays and classic literature for the very youngest of babes. Each book focuses on one skill: colors, shapes, counting, etc. and is set to the backdrop theme of the titled literature piece. There is typically only one word/phrase per page, and yet the classic story is told through that simplicity alone. Love these books!
  2. S is for Santa : Another fabulous book for the youngest of babes. This one is an alphabet book and the illustrations make it worth every penny!!
  3. First Snow by Bomi Park :A sweet story about a little girl's adventures through her first snowy day! Beautiful, muted illustrations with a pop of red!
  4. Dream Snow by Eric Carle: It's Eric CARLE, people! This book is beautiful!!
  5. Oh Christmas Tree : A fun board book that follows Santa around the world to see all the different types of Christmas trees
  6. Harold at the North Pole : The Christmas version of the beloved classic
  7. Llama Llama Holiday Drama by Anna Dewdney : We LOVE the Llama Llama series. The rhymes are so sweet and the illustrations are gorgeous. These books are a family favorite. I think we have them all!
  1. The Mitten by Jan Brett : Another classic winter tale about kindness and sharing. I absolutely love this book.
  2. The Twelve Days of Christmas: The classic song but with adorable illustrations and peek-through cut outs on each page. Super cute!
  3. Walking in a Winter Wonderland :You know the song? Yeah- that. But with gorgeous illustrations!
  4. The Polar Express : Another classic. The book is a gem, but I'm not a huge fan of the movie. I know, I know. Sue me.
  5. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer : Probably my very favorite!
  6. The Night Before Christmas : There are so many versions of this classic tale, and honestly all the ones I've seen are great. But, you guys...this one is illustrated by Holly Hobbie!!!!
  7. Santa Mouse by Michael Brown : This book is so adorable and beloved by my girls.
  8. The Nutcracker by The Story Orchestra : The classic Nutcracker story but with "press the note" buttons within the book that play selections of the music!! How cool is that?!
  9. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss : Pretty sure every home in America already has this book. So we'll skip the description! ;)
  1. Eloise at Christmastime by Kay Thompson : This is a Christmas staple in our house...and a movie that's played on repeat throughout the Christmas season over here. One of these years, I WILL get the girls to the Plaza.
  2. Santa Claus the World's Number One Toy Expert by Marla Frazee : How does Santa go about knowing JUST what everyone wants for Christmas...and what exactly does Santa get for Christmas??
  3. Toot & Puddle: Let it Snow: Toot & Puddle have my heart...I want all of their books ever made. Ever.
  4. Olive, the Other Reindeer by Vivian Walsh : Was recently made into a tv special and I can see why. Such an adorable story.
  5. The Jolly Christmas Postman : Do you remember this book from when you were a kid? Opening each envelope on every page and reading the letter or postcard or piece of "mail" inside? This was one of my FAVS and is now one of my childrens' favorites as well. This Christmas edition is just as cute as the original!
  6. How to Catch a Santa by Jean Reagan : This is another newer book but it's very cute. Same author as the How to Babysit a Grandma/pa books.
  7. Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas : My girls LOVE Fancy Nancy, so this book was a must!
  8. Bear Stays up for Christmas : The Bear Stays Up series is one of my favorites and this Christmas edition might be my favorite. It's so simple and sweet and the illustrations are beautiful! How can you read these books and not fall in love with Bear. It's impossible I tell you! ;)
  9. Maple & Willow's Christmas Tree : Been seeing that "Christmas Ladder" trend going around. Pretty sure this book is where it came from! I like it because of how sweet the sisters are to one another! ;)
  1. The Story of Holly & Ivy by Rumer Godden and Barbara Cooney : A sweet story about an orphan, a childless couple, and a doll who each have only one Christmas wish: eachother...they just don't know it yet. It's a longer read (might take 1-3 "reading sessions", but it is a beautifully written heart warming story!
  2. Pick a Pine Tree by Patricia Toht - Beautifully illustrated merry little story about the rituals of decorating a Christmas tree. Rhythmically written and fun to read aloud.
  3. Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter by Kenard Pak : Remember the Summer to Autumn one from my Thanksgiving post? Yep, this one is just as good!
  4. The Little Reindeer by Nicole Killen : A simple and magical little story!
  5. Christmas in the Big Woods :I mean, hello. If it's a Little House book, we're reading it. Period.
  6. The Christmas Wish by Lori Evert : Honestly, just go ahead and buy this one for the photography alone. Per Breiehagen is just THAT GOOD. My girls are entranced by his work!
  7. The Christmas Eve Tree by Delia Huddy : A beautiful story about an unwanted tree and a homeless boy who brings Christmas magic to the city. Heartwarming tale with a pop-up at the end!
  8. When Santa Was a Baby : This is a newer book and it's pretty adorable. My kids get a kick out of it and the illustrations are just beautiful.
  1. The Littlest Angel by Charles Tizewell : A mischevious little angel learns about the spirit of giving. Such a sweet story!
  2. The Story of Christmas: The story of Jesus's birth, told through simple text and fun, vibrant illustrations
  3. The Tale of Three Trees : A folklore explaining how the lumber from three trees became three very important and iconic symbols in Christianity. I use this book at Easter as well!
  4. The Christmas Story: Another story about the birth of Jesus, but this Little Golden Book version just has a special place in my heart. My girls love the realistic illustrations!
  5. The Little Drummer Boy by Ezra Jack Keats : The classic story of the little boy who is too poor to bring a gift to baby Jesus so he brings the gift of song instead.
  1. Life Magazine's The Story of Santa : This one is fun for ALL ages; a glance-back at the story, legend, and creation of "Santa Claus" as we know and love him today!
  2. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens : I used to perform in this play every year as a child so I think I've pretty much got this one memorized. I can't wait to read this aloud once the kids get a little bit older!
  3. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson : A novel that is sure to be a favorite read aloud, super funny and a great message!
  4. Santa's Last Present : A sweet book by Marie-Aude and Elvire Murail. Julian doesn't believe in Santa anymore, but when a mysterious box arrives on Christmas morning, he just might change his mind! (32 pages)
And last but not least, one of my very favorites, and perhaps one of the BEST classic Christmas books of all times...FIR TREE

The Little Fir Tree by Margaret Wise Brown. There are so many new versions with new illustrators but do yourself a favor and buy the old-school Barbara Cooney version!

Merry Christmas, friends!

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